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Secondary Market fees

Learn more about the fees applied on every transaction here

Sheilah Fajardo avatar
Written by Sheilah Fajardo
Updated over a week ago

There is a 2% transaction fee (min.£/€0.50) for both Buyers and Sellers on the Secondary Market. For more information on the transaction fees, please read the Secondary Market Terms & Conditions

Additionally, if the Seller makes a profit (the sell price after paying the transaction fee is greater than the initial purchase price), then a carry fee will be charged on any profit earned. 

The carry fee attributed to an asset will depend on when that asset was created under the nominee. At this moment, there are two carry fees to consider:

  • If the asset was created on or before the 25th of March 2024, the asset will have a 7.5% carry fee

  • If the asset is created on and after the 26th of March 2024, the asset will have a 5% carry fee

For example:

  • If you buy at £100 (after the transaction fee) and sell at £100 (after the transaction fee), you pay £0

  • If you buy at £100 (after the transaction fee) and sell at £90 (after the transaction fee) you pay £0

  • If you buy at £100 (after the transaction fee) and sell at £200 (after the transaction fee) you pay carry percentage of the £100 profit from the sale (£5 for 5% or £7.5 for 7.5%)

This carry fee is also known as an "Administration Fee" or a "Success fee" and is described in the “Administration Fee” section of the Investment Agreement entered into when the Seller made their investment (which can be found in the Seller’s Republic Europe Investment Account). 

For a breakdown of all the fees Republic Europe charges investors, please read our 'What fees does Republic Europe charge Investors?'

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