If you’d like to pay for an investment in a campaign denominated in Pound Sterling (GBP) using Euros (EUR) or vice versa, you can instruct us to convert your funds through our third-party FX provider, Currency Cloud.
To do so, simply press the 'Exchange' button on your Investment Account page and select the amount to convert:
The exchange rate displayed in your Investment Account will be available for three minutes, after which time it will expire.
The converted funds will immediately be displayed as available in your Investment Account balance and you can use them to pay for investments, but please note, it may take up to 10 working days for them to actually be converted in our client money account.
We don't charge you any fees for converting currency. However, if the rate fluctuates between the exchange rate being displayed and you accepting it, we may make a gain or suffer a loss.
You can also convert your funds before requesting a withdrawal in order to send the funds back in the correct currency - please bear in mind that this may result in your withdrawal request taking longer to be processed as we will only be able to do execute the transaction once the currency conversion is complete.
Important Note
The feature to convert funds is only available to users signed up to Republic Europe Limited (GB). This functionality is currently unavailable to any users who are signed up to Republic Europe (EU)