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Bank statement/proof of address document
Sheilah Fajardo avatar
Written by Sheilah Fajardo
Updated over a week ago

If we can’t match the address you provided in your Seedrs account with the domestic and international databases used for identity verification, we’ll ask you to submit a proof of address document, such as a: 

  • Bank statement.

  • Utility (water, gas or electricity), telephone landline, broadband or TV license bill.

  • Letter from a national or local authority (e.g. tax statement or government notification).

  • Electoral registry document. 

The proof of address document must be dated within the last three months and must show the exact same name and residential address used on your Seedrs profile. You can’t use the same document you used as Proof of ID. In certain instances, we may only be able to accept a bank statement as a proof of address document, but we’ll notify you if this is the case.

This document should be sent as a .pdf, .jpg, .png or .gif file, and it shouldn’t be bigger than 20MB.

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