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Community / Forum "Code of Conduct"

Discussion forum rules of conduct

Joel Ippoliti avatar
Written by Joel Ippoliti
Updated over a week ago

In Summary

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Republic Europe members.ย 

We reserve the right, but are not obliged, to monitor actions and disputes between you and other Republic Europe members, and we reserve the right to hide / remove any communications that you post that we consider to be abusive, trolling, spam, or otherwise inappropriate.

Reference - paragraph 5.6 of the membership agreement

Summary of our role:

  1. We don't actively monitor the forums nor comments therein;

  2. We don't verify the information contained within our community forums;

  3. We can take posts down at our discretion.

Code of Conduct


Crowdfunding is reliant on the support of loyal and engaged communities. At Republic Europe we seek to encourage and facilitate meaningful conversations about the startups funded on our platform between their team members, customers, existing shareholders and potential investors.

This Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that these discussions remain respectful and relevant to the respective business. We may update the content of this from time to time and welcome suggestions and feedback from everyone.

About our Forums

There are two types of discussion forum on Republic Europe:

1. Campaign discussion forums (public) - every campaign has its own forum, active during the fundraising process, allowing investors to raise questions to the founders (or other investors) related to the investment opportunity; and

2. Business page discussion forums (private) - once a business has at least one successfully funded campaign on Republic Europe the discussion moves to a separate business page, for which access is limited to shareholders only.

Constructive feedback and challenging questions can provide valuable guidance for startup founders and help other investors who are considering investing into a business. However it is also important that these conversations are conducted in a fair, relevant and reasonable manner. Therefore the rules set out below are aimed at providing a framework to enable that.

Additionally, for the purposes of keeping the discussion forums civil, profile names are kept public as anonymity in the discussion forums could potentially impact the overall quality of conversations between investors and founders. Therefore, with the above in mind, we do not allow the use of an alternative alias or anonymised name in the Discussions section of a campaign page.


1. Be kind and respectful to the views and time of others. Everyone should be working together to make the best investment decisions possible and help maximise the growth of the investee business. Please also be mindful that most startups have small teams and adjust your expectations accordingly;

2. Avoid making recommendations to invest in a particular business. Whilst you are welcome, and indeed encouraged, to share news of investment opportunities that you like, please avoid doing so in a way that advises or recommends anyone to make an investment into them;

3. Discussion should be focused on the relevant business and under no circumstances should these forums be used to market or promote any other non-related businesses. Similarly, please do not promote your own share sales or investor referral codes;

4. Do not defame or deliberately misrepresent information for your own self-interest. For example, if you have a conflicting interest as a competitor or investment in a similar business;

5. Make sure that you have permission to post or share any content that is not your own. Neither we nor other Republic Europe members shall be liable for your content, and you agree to compensate us and other Republic Europe members for any loss, damages or costs arising from or in connection with any content you post;

6. Avoid making personal attacks or accusations at individuals. We have a zero tolerance policy for any abusive or derogatory comments. This includes anything that discriminates or disrespects others based on their gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion or other characteristics;

7. Be constructive, accurate and fair in your contributions to the discussions.

Consequences of breaching the rules

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Republic Europe members.

Breaching these rules, or any of those within the Republic Europe Membership Agreement, will typically result in a warning initially and then blocking of your account from further communicating publicly on Republic Europe if there is a second offence. On occasion for more serious breaches we reserve the right to block your account immediately.

Furthermore, we reserve the right to remove any communications that you post that we consider to be abusive, trolling, spam, or otherwise inappropriate (including any discussion of commencing legal action).

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